We deeply appreciate your faithful giving during this uncertain time and please know that we are working hard to find innovative ways to remain connected, and to meet the many needs of our community. Your faithful and generous gifts will ensure that we will be able to continue sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those who need it, now more than ever. We offer these three options to continue or begin your support of FUMC:
Through your bank. It is easy to set up a recurring payment to the church through on-line banking. This option will be helpful to you and to the church as it simply sends a check directly to the church from your bank on a regular basis. If you have questions, your bank can easily answer these and help you set up a payment in just a few minutes.
By mail. Please mail to First United Methodist Church, 100 East 4th Street, Prattville, AL 36067. The mail is checked daily and your gifts will be processed quickly and confidentially by our finance office.
Using our website. Click on this link: FUMC Website - Giving
At the website (prattvillemethodist.org) you can click on the “Giving” tab. Through the “Giving” button at the top of the page, you may set up a one time or recurring gift using your credit card or an ACH from your bank. This option will charge you a 3% processing fee for each transaction.
If you should need any assistance with the above giving options, please feel free to contact Jennifer Farish in the church finance office at (334-365-5977) or email (jennifer@prattvillemethodist.org).
Your financial commitment will empower ministries including family/youth/children’s/adult, global and local missions, evangelism, worship, Christian education, discipleship, congregational care, church care & administration. Please click here to fill out the 2020 Confidential Commitment Card.